Sarah Martin Gender Consultant

Feminist and Women's Rights Advocate

Sarah Martin Gender Consultant

Feminist and Women's Rights Advocate

Sarah Martin Curriculum Vitae

International Gender Specialist  skype: Sarah.Martin2

Summary of Qualifications

▪ Over 25 years’ experience in advocacy, training, capacity building, qualitative research, and project
management with development and humanitarian agencies.
▪ Specialist in gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response, gender equality and gender
mainstreaming, prevention and response to sexual exploitation and abuse, protection of civilians,
safeguarding, humanitarian response, disaster preparedness and response.
▪ Demonstrated training, public speaking, writing, editing, coordination and analytical skills.

▪ Field experience in complex humanitarian crises, conflict and natural disaster settings in Asia, Europe, the
Middle East, North and sub-Saharan Africa, Pacific and Latin America/Caribbean.
▪ Proven ability to develop trainings, service manuals and strategies; deliver trainings on GBV, gender,
masculinities, child protection, safeguarding, case management, psychosocial response, peacekeeping,
and reproductive health.
▪ US/UK dual citizen

Professional Experience


GBV Global Working Group (Area of Responsibility)
Co-moderator, GBV Community of Practice. (Part Time)
Facilitates and manages global online network of GBV in emergencies specialists. Develop and lead webinars on a variety of topics to support GBV AOR Global Capacity Building Strategy, provide online coaching and support GBV practitioners globally. Launched and grown community to 900
members in 3 years.
GBViE Help Desk Roster of Experts. (Part Time)
Respond to rapid program support and research requests to develop effective GBV prevention and response programs; Develop in-depth guidance notes and provide quality assurance on best practice including supporting survivors pregnant due to rape, routine screening for GBV in health settings and technology facilitated GBV


Freelance Consulting. Clients include:
International NGOs and Others
European Asylum Support Office (EASO) now European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) (6 months)
As part of a panel of experts, developing training materials for Asylum and Reception officers to better understand GBV in asylum seekers and improve their response to survivors.
World Bank (2 months)
Develop Survivor Centered Investigation Guidance note and training materials to Investigate Sexual Harassment and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Allegations.
Organization of Security Coordination of Europe (OSCE) Secretariat
Conduct mapping exercise of Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) activities across the organization including conducting key informant interviews and developing survey tool, develop strategic guidance note to improve response to VAWG into political, military, economic, environmental and human dimensions of security and develop training modules on integrating VAWG into security work. Support mapping of best practices of integrating gender equality into organizational culture. (8 months)
OSCE Bosnia-Hercegovina
Develop and lead regional training on incorporating masculinities into peacebuilding work in the Balkans region. (10 days)
OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine
Develop and conduct research to recommend retention strategies for women professionals in the Special Monitoring Mission. (20 days)
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (12 months)
Lead Researcher on Research project on Sexual Violence against Men and Boys and Sexual and Gender Minorities. Conducted qualitative research, literature reviews, and field research in Lebanon and Uganda and lead expert workshop for discussion with ICRC headquarters. Developed internal
recommendations to improve response to male survivors and LGBTIQ survivors.
Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC), Sexual Violence against Men and Boys, Italy and Kenya (12 months)
Italy: Developed training curricula for cultural mediators to improve response to GBV survivors (focused on male sexual violence survivors) and strengthen ability to resist vicarious traumatization; pilot training in Italy, Bulgaria, and online.
Kenya: Qualitative data collection on sexual violence against male urban refugees from Somalia, Sudan, and Congo including specific focus on those with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities (SOGIESC). Manage monitoring/evaluation for program with LGBTIQ community organizations to improve referral for GBV services during COVID-19 pandemic.
Global: Developed global guidance for field actors to respond to sexual violence against men, boys, and LGBTIQ refugees. Authored peer reviewed articles, presented at global conferences and held webinars for GBV actors.
Humanitarian (6 months)
Developed and implemented trainings for humanitarians to understand, prevent, and respond to sexual harassment (SH) and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA).
German Red Cross (3 days)
Developed and implemented training on understanding the problem of SEA and creating response with the IASC Minimum Operating Standards on Preventing SEA.
Asia Foundation (30 days)
Developed monitoring guide to assist field teams in Thailand, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Nepal monitor GBV and incorporate it into existing human rights monitoring. Focus on vicarious traumatization.
Médecins Sans Frontières – Operational Centre Amsterdam (MSF) (5 days)
Develop and deliver training on responding to SH for 30 human resources officers from various field offices.
WRC, Men’s Engagement in Humanitarian Settings, Beirut, Lebanon (30 days)
Developed men’s engagement to prevent VAWG curricula for male caregivers of displaced Syrian refugee girls at risk of early marriage in Lebanon. Developed and conducted Training of Trainers for facilitators and mapped global resources for engaging with men and boys in humanitarian settings.
Small Arms Survey: Humanitarian Innovations Fund: GBViE Gaps and Challenges (30 days)
Mapped GBViE experts globally, developed “history of GBViE” presentation, provided guidance in research methodology in Puntland, Honduras, and Nepal. Reviewed drafts and provided input, participated in discussions with innovation experts and others to develop final paper.
Save the Children, Sweden (30 days)
Interviewed field offices in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America to document best practices and gaps in addressing sexual violence against children within their child protection programming; based on results and review of current Save the Children materials, the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Emergencies and IASC Guidelines on GBV, and other GBV tools drafted the Field Friendly Guidelines to Responding to Child Survivors of Sexual Violence including incorporating sexual violence response into Child Friendly Spaces, with community-based and formal child protection systems, and engaging with armed actors.
Asia Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC)
Saudi Red Crescent Humanitarian Emergency Aid Response Team (HEART) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (50 days):
Developed training modules and delivered one-week course on Gender and Vulnerabilities in Disaster Management and Response including preventing and responding to sexual exploitation and abuse.
Wilton Park, Manila Philippines (10 days)
Developed agenda and identified stakeholders for Disaster prevention, preparedness and response in South and Southeast Asia: maximizing a gender inclusive approach workshop in Manila, Philippines.
International Medical Corps (IMC), Philippines (10 days)
Conducted GBV Assessment of affected areas in December 2014 Super Typhoon Haiyan.
Care, Egypt (10 days)
Developed and conducted training for Egyptian NGOs, Care Egypt and UNHCR staff on managing GBV in humanitarian emergencies for Syrian refugees living in Egypt including engaging with men and boys.
Population Sciences International (PSI), Papua New Guinea (45 days)
Developed Routine Screening Tool for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Sexual Violence,
Developed training manual to improve healthcare worker ability to identify and treat GBV survivors, modified existing “Marital Relations” training on HIV/AIDS to address marital rape and IPV.
Conducted Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Survey of healthcare workers, lead stakeholder workshop.
Prevention of Sexual Violence Initiative (PSVI), Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Stabilization Unit, United Kingdom, London, UK and Tripoli, Libya (10 days)
Conduct scoping mission to assess prevention and response to sexual violence due to conflict in Libya. Assessed government, NGO, and community capacities to provide policing, legal and victim support services and justice mechanisms; Briefed UK government on how to better respond to GBV.
Women, Peace, and Security Resources, Boston, MA, USA (90 days)
Assessed UN training modules on GBV for pre-deployment of UN peacekeepers; conducted literature review on gaps in peacekeeping training from a gender perspective. Presented on Implementing SCR1325 (Women, Peace and Security) at the International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres in Helsinki, Finland.
Child Fund Australia, Papua New Guinea (20 days)
Produced literature review of HIV/AIDS, GBV, Violence against Children and programming in Papua New Guinea, Conducted field visit to rural Papua New Guinea to assess current GBV response and wrote internal paper with guidance for setting up GBV program and Child Protection program.

United Nations Agencies

UNICEF Europe and Central Asia, Germany, Italy, and Greece (12 months)
Strengthen GBV prevention and protection response components of ongoing child protection services for at risk-groups and survivors, with a focus on refugee and migrant women and children including unaccompanied and separated (UASC) adolescent girls and boys in Greece, Italy, and Balkan countries. Provide technical assistance to Italian government and NGOs working with UNICEF to response to migrants in Sicily and throughout the country, with a focus on UASC. Provide coaching to local partners on GBV response. Develop training modules for frontline workers, trainings for cultural mediators and translators, and compiled learning resources for working with male survivors of sexual violence.

UN Women, Middle East and North Africa region (25 days)
Develop guidance note on Engaging with men and boys to promote gender justice in humanitarian settings. Includes discussion on how to approach working with male survivors of sexual violence.

UNDP Middle East Regional Office, Jordan (5 days)
Developed curricula for and facilitated two-day regional workshop for Livelihoods and GBV professionals on Addressing GBV and Livelihoods in Recovery Settings.

UN Women Jordan, Jordan (3 days)
Developed curricula for and facilitated workshop on Engaging Men and Boys in Addressing Gender Inequality in the Syria refugee response.

UNICEF East Asia Regional Office, Thailand (30 days)
Produced literature review on violence against children in humanitarian settings in Asia; developed an overview for a manual for operational response.

UNFPA, Whole of Syria Response, Improving Service Delivery to Adolescent Girls, Syria (45 days)
Conducted literature review on global and Middle East tools and trends in programming for adolescent girls; interviewed key informants to better understand challenges to implementing services for GBV and RH in cross-border settings from Amman, Jordan, Gaziantep, Turkey, and Damascus, Syria; developed strategy to improve programming, conducted consultative workshop with key partners in Damascus and Gaziantep for strategy, developed training materials on adolescent girl friendly Women and Girl Safe Spaces and sensitivity to adolescent girl needs for Reproductive health providers, and delivered trainings in Gaziantep, Turkey.

UNFPA Myanmar, Rakhine State, Kachin State and Yangon, Myanmar (6 months)
Provided technical support and training for new GBV project for Rohingya population including: coordinating multi-sectoral programs to support survivors of GBV; drafted strategies to incorporate GBV in existing reproductive health programs; developed and delivered trainings on Case Management; Clinical Management of Rape, and Psychosocial Counseling for GBV Survivors; wrote and edited advocacy notes and briefings; developed GBV information sharing protocols and referral pathways for survivors, and conducted focus group discussions and awareness-raising sessions with internally displaced populations in Kachin and Rakhine States.

GBV Global Working Group (Area of Responsibility) through UNOPS (8 months)
Conducted research, interviewing over 50 GBV in humanitarian emergencies specialists and reviewing numerous documents to produce a paper describing the current state of global capacity to prevent and respond to GBV in humanitarian emergencies. Lead consultative process to develop and finalize core competencies for GBV coordinators and program managers in humanitarian emergencies. Organized and facilitated 25 GBV in humanitarian emergencies specialists in consultative workshop to develop a five-year strategy to build capacity for the global GBV in humanitarian emergencies response. Developed comprehensive strategy for global working group to build capacity for GBV in humanitarian emergencies.

UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO), Brindisi, Italy (20 days)
Facilitated and supported UN DPKO staff with a 5 day workshop and training for Senior Women Protection Advisors deployed to UN Peacekeeping missions to monitor and report on conflict-related sexual violence.

World Health Organization (WHO), Afghanistan (30 days)
Developed training of trainers’ module for implementing Clinical Management of Rape in Afghanistan. Developed training for Afghan Police to respond to GBV survivors.

UN Women Asia Regional Office, Thailand (3 days)
Facilitated first Asia-Pacific regional workshop on Integrating Gender into Humanitarian Emergencies (GiHA).


Gender Associations International Consulting
Specialist in GBV prevention, mitigation, and response with a focus on relief and recovery. Participation in strategic exchanges on gender, peace and security issues; Provided strategic and thematic advice; Represented GAIC at conferences and events; clients include Small Arms Survey, UN Women, Organization of Security Coordination of Europe (OSCE) and others. Developed GBV prevention training modules to address GBV by arms control specialists and mainstreaming gender in security and lead project to develop training modules to mainstream gender throughout OSCE’s internal and project work.


International Rescue Committee (IRC), Belgrade, Serbia
Initiatives Director, Women and Children’s Protection, European Refugee Crisis (4 months)

Technical Assistance: Mapped the landscape of women and children’s programming in Balkans and Greece; developed strategy for IRC’s expanded women and children protection programming in Balkans sub-region; developed implementation plan – including with specific timeframe for rollout, staffing plan, and approach to connecting programming efforts across the region/route to expand services and programming for women and children, in line with international standards and best practices; and liaised with the IRC’s technical advisors.